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Security Camera


Twenty four hour Sonitrol alarm system. Includes direct link to both local Police Department and Fire Department. Motion detectors, audio detectors, intrusion sensors on every door and access point.

Video surveillance consisting of 35 cameras for the exterior of the buildings as well as the interior. Data to be kept on file for a minimum of 60 days.

Roaming on site patrols on nights and weekends.

A gated yard for container storage.


Access doors are coded, identification is required at all access points for agents. A detailed listing of arrivals is tracked and maintained as well. Containers and seals are verified against the manifest on the inbound side, and a secure seal tracing policy is in place for items that are leaving our site.

Data and computer security is maintained by continually rotating passwords, Norton Firewall services, and a private I.T. agent working in tandem with our company and our various I.T. contractors.


Security: Privacy Policy
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