(206) 575-9187

Elliott Bay Service Transfer is a full service trucking company specializing in moving containerized cargo in the greater Seattle-Tacoma area. With a fleet of over 30 three-axle tractors, we are positioned to handle any size account in a safe, efficient manner. We utilize a fleet of owner/operators, all of which meet, or exceed, DOT requirements and are among the safest on the roads today. The Elliott Bay dispatch team has over 50 years combined experience working the local terminals and they are well equipped to work through any of the challenges that may arise in the local trucking industry. Elliott Bay utilizes the Trinium Dispatch System, a state of art system that is updated frequently, thus staying current with the ever evolving transportation industry. Through Trinium, Elliott Bay is able to offer GPS tracking, EDI capability and automatic POD forwarding, plus many other handy features. If you would like more information, or a quote, please contact us.
Currently, Elliott Bay is comprised of 35Â short haul trucks for services to primarily the Seattle and Tacoma ports. Our company has interchange agreements with all of the local piers/ports/and ramps to meet the need of any importer and exporter.